Evelyn Itzel Quiros McIntire, completed her primary and secondary studies in her hometown of Penonomé, province of Coclé. She obtained a degree in Agricultural Development Engineering with orientation in Agricultural Business Management from the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences of the University of Panama. He obtained a Magister Scientiae degree in Ecological Agriculture, with emphasis in Phytogenetic Resources and Biotechnology, at the Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher Education Center (CATIE), Turrialba, Panama. CATIE, Turrialba, Cartago, Costa Rica. And he completed doctoral studies at the Agrarian University of Havana in conjunction with the Curricular Program of the National Center for Agricultural Health CENSA, to obtain the degree of Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, in Mayabeque, Cuba.

She is currently a researcher at the Institute for Agricultural Innovation of Panama (IDIAP), with 26 years of research experience in the cultivation of rice. Dr. Quiros leads the most important projects of IDIAP such as agronomic management and genetic improvement of this rice crop.

As a result of his research achievements, which he has carried out with other IDIAP researchers, consisting mainly in evaluating and identifying outstanding genotypes adapted to the agro-ecological rice growing areas of the country, he has managed to release new rice varieties that meet the crop’s standards. They have succeeded in releasing new rice varieties that comply with the crop’s regulations. Since 2011, their work has allowed the release of five new commercial varieties such as IDIAP-FL-72-17, IDIAP FL-069-18, IDIAP FL-148-18 and IDIAP-FL137-11 and recently IDIAP FL Alanjeña-22.