Agricultural Engineer from the Universidad del Tolima, Master in Agronomy with emphasis in Irrigation and Drainage from the Universidad Estadual Paulista (UNESP) of São Paulo, Brazil, with more than 20 years of experience in Research and Technology Transfer in the National Rice Growers Federation (FEDEARROZ) and the National Rice Fund in water use efficiency, water requirements, irrigation systems, monitoring and water balance and water storage. He has participated in international projects such as SATREPS from FEDEARROZ with the Japanese International Cooperation Agency (JICA), has been technical advisor in the technical mission of rice cultivation to Ghana and Ivory Coast in agreement UNIMINUTO and FEDEARROZ (2018), as well as evaluator of the scientific journal IRRIGA (Journal of Irrigation and Drainage) between the years 2014-2015. He is currently the Director of the Water Resources Management Center of the National Rice Growers Federation – FEDEARROZ in Espinal.